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Benefit election or open enrolment : How to maximize benefits?

Benefit election or open enrolment time is coming soon. This is when you can make changes to your employer-provided benefits. These benefits are an important...

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Tax planning strategies for tax changes due to TCJA sunset in 2025

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was a significant piece of tax legislation that was passed in 2017. It affected many aspects of individual,...

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Second Quarter 2024 Market Newsletter

Read the full Second Quarter 2024 Market Newsletter HERE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

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What is the Federal Reserve’s goals for inflation?

Q. What is the Federal Reserve’s goals for inflation? One day the analysts are talking about the Fed lowering the interest rates and then the...

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Can I use income from Annuities to fund a Roth IRA?

Q. Can I use income from Annuities to fund a Roth IRA? I have an annuity in my IRA. I started to annuitize it this...

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How to avoid capital gains on small business stock

How to avoid capital gains on small business stock. The Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) exclusion (Under section 1202 of the Internal Revenue Code) was...

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Pros and Cons of a Buy-and-Hold Strategy?

By Kate Stalter Reviewed by Rachel McVearry This article appeared on US News and Word Report May 2, 2024, at 2:07 p.m. What Are the Pros and...

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Can I contribute to an IRA while collecting social security and working?

Can I contribute to an IRA while collecting social security and working? I was told that since I am 69 years old, still working full...

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First Quarter 2024 Market Newsletter

Read the full First Quarter 2024 Market Newsletter HERE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

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Should I take RMD end of the year or monthly?

Should I take RMD end of the year or monthly? I typically take my Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from my IRA in December to give...

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Fourth Quarter 2023 Market Newsletter

Read the full Fourth Quarter 2023 Market Newsletter HERE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

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Do I have too much risk in my retirement savings?

Q. Do I have too much risk in my retirement savings? I have always managed my own portfolio with mutual funds. I have about $1.2...

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